
Data in accordance with Section 5 TMG


Eichendorffstr 2a
57518 Betzdorf

Represented by:

Contact details

Telephone: +49274168989530
Email: [email protected]

Place of jurisdiction: sole proprietorship


Responsibility for content

The contents of our websites have been created with the greatest care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the content is up-to-date, reliable or complete. In accordance with legal regulations, we are responsible for the content we create ourselves on In this context, we would like to make it clear that we are not responsible for information provided by or collected by third parties. We neither control the information that is sent nor do we pursue possible illegal activities. If illegal activities are detected, we comply with our obligation to block or delete the relevant content, in accordance with paragraphs 8 to 10 of the Telemedia Act (TMG).

Responsibility for links

The responsibility for the content of third-party links (external content) lies with the respective website operators. At the time the links used were inserted on our pages, no illegal activities were detected. As soon as we become aware of illegal activities or violations, we will remove the relevant link.